About MWD

We a web agency with 25 creative engineers - passionate professionals working together with expertise, technology and a little magic.

A Creative Agency

We make businesses grow by creating experiences that people love. Today, people embrace companies with the customer experiences that best meet their needs.

+91 9995 639 637

Move with digital firm transforms businesses by designing best-in-class experiences, driven by strong creativity and rooted in the technology, data and organizational strategy precisely required to achieve operational excellence.

We combine these capabilities into a single solution, creating unified brand experiences that transform industries and fosters meaningful relationships with users.

Jeena - MD/Frontend

Suruj - Wordpress Expert

Deepson - Creative Director

Charvi - Wordpres Expert

Josna Thomas - Shopify Expert

Anand - Woocommerce Expert

This user-centered approach has made us one of the fastest growing agencies in india.



Discovery is the first phase of the web development lifecycle and includes initial research, information gathering, and collaboration to validate scope, feature requests, stakeholders, processes, and expectations. This plan will inform the initial details of the project and the early stages of development.


At this point in the website development cycle, the developer create the web flow that allows the customer to evaluate how the entire website will look like.


During this phase, your website takes shape. Visual content, such as images, videos and contents is created at this step. Once again, all the info that was gathered through the first phase is crucial. The customer and target audience must be kept in mind while you work on a design.


At this step, you can finally start creating the website itself. Graphic elements that have been designed during the previous stages should be used to create an actual website. Usually, the home page is designed first, and then all under pages are added, based on the website hierarchy that was previously created in the form of a sitemap. Frameworks and CMS should be implemented to make sure that the server can handle the installation and set-up smoothly.

Testing, Review and Launch

Testing is probably the most important part of a process.Every single link should be checked to make sure none of them are broken. You should check every form, every script, run spell checker software for any typos. Use a code validator to check that your code meets current web standards. For example, valid code is needed if cross-browser compatibility is very important to you.


It's important to remember that a website is more of a service than a product. It is not enough to "deliver" a website to the user. You also need to make sure everything is working properly, that everyone is happy, and that there is a willingness to change just in case.

India, Qatar, Sweden
We Offer Several Digital Services Including Web Design ,Web Development, Wordpress, Shopify, Mobile App, UI/UX, Graphic Design, Branding, Logo Design, Hosting & SEO.

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